Friday, March 30, 2012

A tribute

not the Hunger Games kind.

Miss Eva should be nicknamed Midas. She is enjoying successes from every angle. She turned 12 years old in February. She opted for a cell phone over a party. Developed a texting addiction immediately. She joined young womens and was asked to be the class president one week later. She was surprised and nervous about that. She spends most of her time drawing, reading, drawing, texting, crafting, cooking. She and I went to UVU with her science fair project and then onto BYU for the state science fair. We had a fun day at BYU. Yesterday she spent the day at a math competition and won 4th place overall. There were approx 300 students there so that was a sweet win. Her team also won 2nd place in the team competition. Those are the awards she is holding in the picture. She is still loving being a student body officer, so far it seems like they just want her to help plan the school activities. Fun. She got into a special art class at school because of her good grades. Only 10 sixth graders were allowed in the class so she is so thankful that she got in. She loves art.

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