Sunday, June 22, 2014

Please Don't Ordain Women

"What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself: and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same." -D&C 1:38

I don't want to criticize anyone in this ongoing issue. I will start off by saying that if the Lord revealed to, his mouth piece on the earth today, Thomas S. Monson that women of the Church were to receive the Priesthood tomorrow, I would have no problem accepting that. Remember this is the Lord Jesus Christ's Church and He is as the head. We ALL go through trials of faith and very personal struggles. And if we go to the Lord in prayer and in secret He will help us. Making a spectacle of a concern and bringing on media only gives ammunition that the media can twist and represent both sides inaccurately. 

We are all equal in the amount of love the Savior has for us. He created us. Let him be your guiding strength in your trials of faith.

I stole the whole quote above from a comment "Lecaptain- provo utah" made on a des news article about Ordain Women and the above quote states Exactly how I feel- bold added and I changed a mis-spelled word.  

I have said this to John several times:  This is how I see it, what if a group of faithful men decided to picket, fast, pray, and march because they really really really want to be pregnant and bear children.  Because it just is not fair and if God really loved them he would do this for them.  

'nuff said.

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