Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Labor Day

Better get this posted before we move onto the next month. 'course there are still summer posts unfinished, might as well hang onto those for a light in the winter cold.
We thought we'd go camping over labor day weekend but HA HA there is not a campsite to be had. So we camped in our backyard and -Seriously folks- It was Awesome and Convenient. I still wanted to get up on Saturday and hike to Timpanogus caves. I may never recover from that hike. Vertical. Whose brilliant idea was this anyhow? Oh yeah. Kill me now. Well the caves were COOL and cold and totally worth the pain. Very cool. We heard rock slides happening on the trail on the way up. I am in AWE that the cave was discovered by kids hiking around the mountains. What were they doing on TOP of the mountains? Olden days people were insane.

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